Farhad is a 12-year-old boy living with his mother and his 6-year-old sister in a village called Nahooj. He lost his father 5 years earlier due to a fatal disease. Farhad is crazy about photos and magazines. One day, he goes to the city with his family and gets fascinated by a second hand camera in the shop window. He tries hard to work and to buy the camera, but he does not succeed. Finally, he sells one of their sheep to buy the camera. But his mother finds out and wants him to bring the camera back to get a refund. When they arrive on the city sidewalk, Farhad grabs the camera and runs away …
Abas Aram was born in 1983 in Isfahan. He has loved cinema since he joined in the Iranian Youth Cinema Association and was awarded as a young filmmaker in 2011. Later, he made 3 shorts, 55 video clips and 4 documentaries about social problems and human life. «Here my Village» is his first experience in writing, directing and producing a feature movie independently.