The story revolves around trust and mutual understanding between the two generations, between a mother and her daughter Azadeh. Azadeh is a sports champion, but at home, her mother doesn’t take her accomplishments properly and tries to get her to be the person she wants. Nevertheless, when Azadeh managed to get an award in the sports championship, the mother considers this award as a new opportunity for her daughter and wants to get the most out of Azadeh’s award.
Hanna Jalali is an independent filmmaker based in Ukraine/Iran. Studied at the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (BA in Journalism). In 2015 she was graduated from Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-Kary Theater, Cinema and Television University (MA in Documentary Directing and MA in Film Production). Her first short film «After» was officially selected in several international film festivals and won some awards. In 2018 Hanna Jalali was invited to participate in the 3rd Film school Alliance in Georgia, where she took a diploma from the masters and 3rd place audience award. In 2020 she took participation at the Kyoto Filmmakers Lab (KFL) (Masters session online), Also, she participates in the Berlinale Talents 2021. Now she’s working as a co-producer and co-director on the development of the first feature film «The Echo of The Leopard».