This documentary is a short story about the life of an 11-year-old boy “Abolfazl” and an 8-year-old girl “Setayesh” who have no birth certificate in one of remote border areas and who move along in hardship and strive for their living.
Mahdi Zamanpour Kiasari was in 1975. Holds M.A. in TV production from University of IRIB (Film Directing). He started his career as Director, Writer & Producer since 2004 and has made more than 65 documentaries and TV programs. Among his works are: 30 years living with 100 verses (2014), Happy Birthday (2013), Mashti Esmaeil (2014), BUTTERFLY 2016, ASAK, 2021, Water, Wind, Dust, Bread 2021/ 25mins.